8 SEO Content Writing Tips for Google Search: A Blog about SEO Writing and SEO Tips.

The world of SEO Content Writing is a wide, exciting and confusing ride. You need to know how to keep your audience engaged and make them want to read what you have to say. But if you're new to this world, it can be hard to know where to begin. Luckily for you, we've put together the following list of tips for writing for SEO.

1. Make sure your headlines are never too long.

When it comes to your headlines, you want them to be short and sweet. Bloggers are often guilty of writing long-winded titles that are way too wordy for their content.

So how do you keep this from happening? Make sure your headlines are never more than 25 characters, including spaces (and no longer). If you can't find a good fit within this limit, use numbers instead. For example: "How to Get More Customers through Social Media" versus "How to Get More Customers through Social Media with an Example in 5 Steps."

As much as possible try not to include any keywords in the title because Google will likely penalize your site for doing so—but if there's something that needs saying about what makes up the headline itself then go ahead and make sure it gets said!

2. Make sure your headers are clear and accurate.

The first thing you should do is make sure your headers are clear and accurate.

Headers are the section of a website that contains its most important content, so they need to be concise and relevant to the page's topic. They should also be easy-to-understand, which means using simple language that people will understand without having special knowledge about SEO or online marketing.

Make sure there aren't any duplicate titles in your header tags; this can confuse Google if it thinks one title is being used more than others (like "SEO Writing Tips", "SEO Writing Guidelines", etc.). Also avoid using overly technical language that may not be understood by everyone: don't use words like "backlink" or "quality score".

3. Don't use the same header tags over and over.

Don't use the same header tags over and over.

Headers are a great way to organize your content, but you don't want your headers to get too repetitive. You should also avoid using headers for stylistic purposes—for example, if you're writing about sports players or celebrities and want to include their names in each paragraph, then go ahead and use h1s for those sections. Just make sure that it's clear why you're using them!

4. Mix it up when it comes to keywords.

  • • Use keywords in your text, but also in your title and subheadings.
  • • Use keywords in the first paragraph of your article.
  • • Use keywords in bulleted lists.
  • • Use bold text for emphasis or to draw attention to certain sections of an article (like when you're making a list)
  • • Italicize words that are used less frequently than others because they're uncommon or unfamiliar (or just because they sound better).

You can use links as a way of showing off what you've written by adding them at strategic points throughout your content—but watch out! You should avoid using link bait: links that appear primarily as clickbait on social media sites rather than meaningful pieces of information can negatively affect organic search rankings since Google considers all websites equal when it comes to determining rankings within its search results pages (SERPs).

Don't be afraid to use images.
  • • Use images that are relevant to your content.
  • • Use images that are relevant to your keywords.
  • • Use images that are relevant to your audience.
  • • Use images that are relevant to your brand and company, if you have one (and I hope you do).
  • • If there isn't a clear connection between an image and its corresponding keyword or topic, try finding another way of illustrating what's being discussed in the article instead.
Make the most of inbound links.

Inbound links are a good thing. They can help you rank higher in search results and they make it easier for your website to be found by people looking for information on the topic you have written about, which will encourage them to click on your link and visit your site.

In order to get more inbound links, there are several things that need to happen:

Using outbound links when you can't find what you need.

Outbound links are the most powerful tool you have as an SEO writer. They are what help search engines understand what your website is about, and they can also be helpful for readers who want more information about your products or services.

But how do outbound links work? When someone clicks on an outbound link, their browser will take them to another website (or page). This means that if you have an article in Google search results, then there could be people clicking on those results who just want more information about the topic of your post!

To get around this problem, many companies create multiple versions of their content—one version optimized for mobile users and another optimized for desktop users—so both groups see different content but still get everything they need from one place: their homepage or website homepage if they're searching through Google's results page instead of directly typing into a search bar at all times."

If you're using info from another source, cite it appropriately.

Citation is a very important part of SEO writing. If you're using information from another source, it's important to cite them appropriately. This will help Google know that the content on your page is unique and not just copied verbatim from somewhere else.

Here are some ways you can properly cite:

  • • The author of the source page, who wrote it (if applicable) and where they published their article/post/etc., along with any other relevant information about them (e.g., name).
  • • Date published; publisher(s), city or state where published; if multiple editions have different dates, then specify which edition was used here as well (e.g., "June 1st release" vs "December 11th release").
  • • Relate this citation back onto your own work by linking directly towards either an external URL link or internal DOI number (digital object identifier); do not include info like page numbers or chapter titles in these references though!

5. Keep your writing concise and easy to understand.

  • • Keep your writing concise and easy to understand.
  • • Use short sentences, simple words and bullet points to break up text.
  • • Use subheadings to help readers navigate the page more easily.
  • • Use lists if you want them to be more likely to read what you're saying (e.g., "the 5 steps of SEO writing" or "the 6 questions every SEO writer should ask before they begin").

6. Find out what they want, then give it to them.

It's important to know your audience. What do they want? Know what they need to know about the topic that you're writing about, and then give it to them in a way that will help them get those answers.

It can be difficult for readers to determine what exactly they're looking for when reading an article or blog post on a subject, but here are some tips on how you can find out:

Ask yourself questions about your reader's interests (or lack thereof) before starting this process so you can tailor the content accordingly. This might seem like an obvious step, but many writers forget what makes their readers tick! You don't want someone coming across one piece of text after another without actually knowing anything about its audience or purpose—it won't work well at all!! To ensure maximum engagement from potential customers/readers who visit this site regularly enough before deciding whether or not something is worth buying based solely off one piece alone.

Writing for SEO is an art as much as a science, but there are lots of tools to help you learn how to do it well, so don't be afraid.

Writing for SEO is an art as much as a science, but there are lots of tools to help you learn how to do it well. The best way to get started is by focusing on the basics—your readers need to know what they can expect when they click on your content and see its headline or title.

As with any other kind of writing, some things take practice and effort before they become second nature: spacing between sentences; avoiding overuse of adverbs (such as “very”); avoiding passive voice (where the subject does not act); using active verbs instead of passive ones; making sure that every sentence contains at least one main idea (or thesis). These tips will help you write better articles for Google Search.

7. Still Struggling? Get Professional SEO Content Writing Services

If you have a website and don't know how to write SEO content for it, then you need professional SEO content writing services. These are the people who will help with all aspects of search engine optimization (SEO).

There are several ways that someone can get help with SEO content writing for their blog or website:

  • • You could hire someone on freelance basis and pay them per word or per hour;
  • • You could use an automated service like Google Docs or Hemingway which uses text files as templates, etc.
  • • You can hire an agency that specializes in this area so they'll take care of everything including hiring writers who have knowledge about how Google works;
  • • Or get Professional SEO Optimized Content Experts which is getting someone who knows about both Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Writing & Social Media Marketing - so they can work together effectively!


If you're still struggling, don't be afraid to reach out for help. We've offer SEO content writing services at Author Book Publication and we'd be happy to help!